
Fetch a single order

const orderId = 'your-order-id-here';

DDPClient.subscribe('order', [orderId], () => {
    const collection = DDPClient.collections['shop.orders']; // Array of orders you're subscribed to.
    const order = collection[orderId];                       // Your order.

    order._id        // Your order ID.
    order.email      // Email address of customer.
    order.fulfilled  // Whether or not all ordered items have been sent to the customer.
    order.paid       // Whether or not we have received payment for this order.
    order.productId  // ID of the product ordered.
    order.paidAt     // Date of received payment.
    order.status     // Order status:
                     // 'reversed' = The customer triggered a chargeback for this order, reverting funds back to the customer.
                     // 'completed' = Order was paid for and fulfilled.
                     // 'discarded' = Order was discarded by the shop administrator.
                     // 'hold' = Pending manual review by the shop administrator.

Fetch all orders

Requires Authentication

The following example requires administrative privileges for your shop.

See the authentication guide for more information.

const query = {
    shopId: 'your-shop-id-here', // Your shop ID (REQUIRED)

    paid: true, // Whether you want to fetch paid or non-paid orders only. Leave undefined for both paid and non-paid. (optional)
    status: 'completed', // Fetch orders with a certain fulfillment status. (optional)
    productId: 'some-product-id', // Fetch orders only for the given product. (optional)    
    email: 'jane@doe.com', // Fetch orders only from the given customer email. (optional)

const options = {
    limit: 50, // Maximum number of orders to fetch at one time. (optional)
    skip: 0,   // Number of orders to skip. (optional)
    sort: {
        createdAt: -1, // Sort direction. (optional)
                       // -1 = descending
                       // 1 = ascending

DDPClient.subscribe('admin.orders', [query, options], () => {
    const orders = DDPClient.collections['shop.orders'];
    orders.forEach((order) => {
        order._id        // Your order ID.
        order.email      // Email address of customer.
        order.fulfilled  // Whether or not all ordered items have been sent to the customer.
        order.paid       // Whether or not we have received payment for this order.
        order.productId  // ID of the product ordered.
        order.paidAt     // Date of received payment.
        order.status     // Order status:
                         // 'reversed' = The customer triggered a chargeback for this order, reverting funds back to the customer.
                         // 'completed' = Order was paid for and fulfilled.
                         // 'discarded' = Order was discarded by the shop administrator.
                         // 'hold' = Pending manual review by the shop administrator.    

Watch for incoming orders

Assuming you have an active 'admin.orders' subscription as described above, you can watch for changes to your query results using the ddp observe() method. This is also assuming that the created order matches your query options defined above.

const orderObserver = DDPClient.observe('shop.orders');

orderObserver.added = (_id) => {
    console.log(`Order with ID ${_id} was added to the collection. (DDP.collections['shop.orders'])`);

    // You should find that DDPClient.collections['shop.orders'] has updated with the new order.
    DDPClient.collections['shop.orders'].forEach((order) => {
        if (order._id === _id) {
            console.log('Located new order:', order);        